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You should learn to love complaints too. Let me tell you why. No matter what kind of business you're in, complaints can be your best friend. The buying/selling event is filled with emotion. It is filled with emotion for the seller and buyer.
When people are dissatisfied with some part of the service we provide or with the product they purchased, only a small percentage will return and complain.
According to the research Institute of America, only 4% of unhappy customers will bother to complain. Further, for every complaint we hear, 24 others go un-communicated to us, but not to other potential customers.
When those customers bother to come back and complain, they are investing additional emotion in the relationship with you. They are trying to help you fix the problem that they're experiencing with the relationship. They are trying to be loyal. The mere fact that they take the effort to complain should send a strong message to you that they are a valuable customer.
Here's the best part. Of those customers who come back and register a complaint, between 54% and 70% of them will do business with you again, if they feel their complaint was resolved. That figure goes up to 95%, if they feel that their complaint was resolved quickly.
You have all heard that it costs less to keep a customer than to find a new one. Here is a simple way to keep customers who are trying to be loyal. You simply must love complaints. Does that mean you always give the customer everything they're asking for when they complain? Of course not.
It means you have been given an opportunity to use your communication skills, negotiation skills, and to demonstrate that you care about them and the problem.
The customer is not always right; but, they are always the customer.
Best wishes,
Charlie Fewell
Phone: 662-895-1171
Motivating keynote addresses, Interactive seminars, Energetic coaching and consulting and various on-line tools and assessments designed to help you improve your personal and business performance.
Would you be interested in participating in a teleseminar with other business professionals? Contact Ginny at 662-895-1171 or e-mail her at ginny@charliefewell.com.
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